Lund University Publications Student Papers (LUP-SP) is the institutional repository for master theses and student papers from Lund University.. The repository contains bibliographic information on over 64,000 publications. The full texts of the documents are made freely available when possible.


Researchers at Lund University in Sweden have investigated how the X and Y chromosomes evolve and adapt to each other within a population. The results show that breaking up coevolved sets of sex chromosomes could lead to lower survival rates among the offspring – something that could be of importanc

About LUBsearch & Electronic Resources As a student or employee at Lund University you have access to one of the most extensive digital libraries in Sweden. Our electronic recources are available through the discovery system LUBsearch. Lund University has access to scientific databases and platforms which you find in Databases A–Z. You can browse the databases either alphabethically or by subject. Search LUBsearch Databases A–Z ePublications.

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Scopus, This resource is partly or fully indexed in LUBsearch, Lund University students and employees only, login with student account/LUCAT is required. innebär att databasen är helt, eller delvis, sökbar i LUBsearch. finns på alla databaser. Klickar du på den får du bland annat information om vad databasen  LUND UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Lund University Översikt: Antal sökningar i LU:s Discoverysystem (LUBsearch), 2013 - 2018. Hösten 2012 valdes EBSCO  Britannica Academic, This resource is partly or fully indexed in LUBsearch, Lund University students and employees only, login with student account/LUCAT is  If you are outside the University campus, log in with your student or LU and electronical material, available at Lund University, at one place!

About LUBsearch & Electronic Resources As a student or employee at Lund University you have access to one of the most extensive digital libraries in Sweden. Our electronic recources are available through the discovery system LUBsearch.

Search LUBsearch Lund University Libraries’ common search service for e-resources and printed material. It also allows you to search for articles available in full text to anyone affiliated with Lund University.

Via en enda sökruta hittar du bland annat artiklar, tidskrifter,  Sök · LUBsearch · LUBcat · LIBRIS · Katalog -1957 · Lubito · Forskningsportalen · LUP Student Papers · LibGuides · Referenshanteringsprogram · Urkund. Du kan inte heller komma åt Lunds universitets licensierade e-resurser innan du loggat in. För att använda LUBsearch som en auktoriserad  Databaslistan (Databases A-Z) är en sammanställning av fria och licensierade databaser och webbtjänster som biblioteken vid Lunds universitet  LUBsearch is the search engine of Lund University Libraries. It provides access to a large part of the libraries' electronic and physical  As a student or researcher at Lund University, you have access to our Access via LUBsearch and log in with your student or Lucat account.

Universitetsbiblioteket, UB, är ett forskningsbibliotek och studiecentrum som är öppet för alla. På UB hittar du allt svenskt tryck och stora historiska samlingar.

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Nov 30, 2020 As a student or employee at Lund University you have access to one of the most extensive digital libraries in Sweden. Our electronic recources  Nov 16, 2020 LUBsearch is a collective entry point to all the libraries' joint  The libraries at Lund University has purchased, or subscribes to, a great for ebooks and e-journals, LUBsearch Discovery and LUBsearch ePublications. All e-books purchased by Lund University, but also a lot of Open Access e-books, are searchable in LUBsearch and ePublications. Want to learn more about  some functions differ from the version we use at Lund University (LUBsearch). Detailed information regarding searching in LUBsearch can be found further  Sök · LUBsearch · LUBcat · LIBRIS · Katalog -1957 · Lubito · Forskningsportalen · LUP Student Papers · LibGuides · Referenshanteringsprogram · Urkund. Dec 4, 2020 LUBsearch is a collective entry point to all the libraries' joint resources.

Library catalouge - LUBcat . Lund University School of Economics and Management P.O. Box 7080 220 07 LUND, Sweden HT-biblioteken vid Lunds universitet, Lund, Sweden.
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LUBsearch is the search engine of Lund University Libraries. It provides access to a large part of the libraries' electronic and physical 

Mer detaljerad information  Våra e-resurser är sökbara och tillgängliga i LUBsearch. Studenter och anställda vid Lunds universitet har full åtkomst även hemifrån. Övriga  AMED - The Allied and Complementary Medicine Database (EBSCOhost), This resource is partly or fully indexed in LUBsearch, Lund University students and  Om LUBsearch & elektroniska resurser.

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LUND UNIVERSITY · LUND UNIVERSITY LIBRARIES. Lund University. LUB · LibGuides · Resursguider · LUBsearch & elektroniska resurser 

Search. Meny. Start. Learn how to use the information discovery system LUBsearch; Start. Education and research.